A Paramedic is the “Health Care Professional” whose Primary role is to provide Advanced Emergency Medical Assessment and Care for Critical and Emergency Patients. Paramedics often being at a Higher Grade with more Responsibility and Autonomy following substantially greater Education and Training. Paramedic individual possesses the complex knowledge and skills necessary to independently provide patient assessment and care in the out-of-Hospital Environment.
Paramedic Professionals are Employed in variety of different Organizations and the Services they provide may differ by Organizational structures and depending on the part of the world. A new and evolving role for Paramedic Professionals involves the expansion of their practice into the provision of relatively basic Primary Health Care and Assessment Services.
The Career Opportunities for Paramedic Professionals now are in demand and the Quality of Paramedical Education was below average. So, we took it upon our self to bring up the quality of courses related to Paramedical Sciences. This is why we formed KRUTHIN COLLEGE OF PARAMEDICAL SCIENCES for each and every income groups or families.
The Objective of our Institution is to prepare the admitted students into a Highly Skilled Human Resource in the area of Medical Analysis, Research and Health Technology that not only get good Employment and also in turn contribute in Creation and Enhancement of such a work force in the future. Our courses are Scientifically improvised for better implementation and latest Technologies.
We wish you a successful tenure of academic study in our institution and a prosperous career. With warm regards and best wishes to all of you.